for credentialing as CAT, CAS or LAC
Determine which exam (NCAC I, NCAC II or MAC) you need to take. Options are listed below. You can only sign up for the MAC exam if you have a Master's or Doctoral degree in a behavioral health discipline.
Fill out online application. Link is available below.
Pay for the exam online: link to payment submission is at the end of the application. Fees (exam cost + administrative fees) are listed below.
You will receive two confirmations: (a) your PayPal payment receipt, and (b) a CAAP letter for scheduling, which could take several days to generate.
If you are signing up for live testing at a testing site: please follow the instructions on the CAAP confirmation letter to select location, date and time you want to take the exam. There are more than a dozen testing sites in Colorado.
Every facility has different date/time options for when you can sit for the exam so check several of them to see which one is the best option for you. Several in the Denver Metro area have weekend testing windows. You can sign up for any month/date/time combination you want.
You have 3 hours to complete the exam. Once you begin the test you cannot leave the facility without forfeiting your test and payment.
If you are signing up for online proctoring using your computer or a company computer, you will need to make sure you have read the equipment and space requirements prior to signing up for online proctoring. Online proctoring requires that you have a webcam and microphone and specific platforms for the Kryterion test program to work and you must be able to have administrative control of the computer. The document explaining all of the requirements can be found at this link: Requirements for Online Proctoring
You will know if you passed the exam immediately after you complete the exam. Colorado accepts your test scores towards an application for 5 years from date of testing.
A. Call the CAAP testing coordinator at 303. 637. 2660 if you have questions or concerns.
B. You can change a location up to 72 hours in advance. Once you are in that 72 hour window to take your exam, changes and cancellations are not possible and no refund is available, because the testing organization will not refund CAAP or NAADAC. You can request a refund of your testing fees and cancel the test until you enter that 72 hour window prior to the test date and time.
Comments regarding: Payment
All applications for Colorado State credentialing as a CAC/LAC are filled out online. APPLICATION LINK TO SIGN UP FOR EXAM
All credit cards are accepted and the credit cards are processed by PayPal. Credit card payments are processed quickly and do not hold up your application submission time. When you hit "submit" after you have entered your credit card information, the application itself has also been submitted to CAAP for processing.
Once you have completed the application you can pay online by credit card.