Board Meetings
CAAP Board meetings are held 10 times per year, on the 4th Saturday of every month (except December), with exceptions for snow and holidays.
Zoom Link: ​
- Meeting ID: 260 024 4000
Passcode: 310989
All meetings are open to allied professionals and the public, as guests of CAAP and NAADAC.
Guests have to attend 2 board meetings in order to be considered for board membership.
Please attend a meeting to find out more about CAAP and how we advocate for and support our professional community!
What time:
9:30 am to 11:30 am
CAAP Board Meeting Dates 2024: Saturdays:
January 27 - moved to Winter Symposium Feb 4
February 24 - meeting cancelled due to Strategic Planning Meeting we will be having March 9th
March 23
April 27
May 18 - moved from the 25th due to Memorial Day Weekend
June 22
July 27
August 24
September 28
October 26
November 23
December - no meeting - Christmas holiday